RISE (Reaching Individual Student Excellence) Program
RISE (Reaching Individual Student Excellence) Program combines 6:1:2 classes with trauma informed care, behavioral supports and psychiatric consultation to meet the educational and social emotional need for students in grades kindergarten through eighth grade who are struggling with trauma and mental health needs.
The RISE program provides structured educational supports in a highly supportive environment which incorporated crisis counseling, behavioral consultation, social work support and psychiatric consultation. The program seeks to address individual student learning needs along with social /emotional supports in program and through collaboration with community based mental health and care management service providers. All RISE students receive one individual Counseling session per week.
Student IEP's must include Individual Counseling Services, minimally, one time per week of 30 minutes. Additional Counseling Services can be added as a cost based Related Service ( see: 320.05 or 320.055)
District Responsibilities:
- Send in referral for placement
- Share IEP
- Transportation of students
- Provide current educational and health records including immunization records
- Notification of all CSE meetings
- Conduct Annual Guidance Review for students
BOCES Responsibilities:
- Supervisory support to host building and BOCES staff
- Instructional and Intervention Resource Teachers available to staff
- Provide updated information and training on special education issues/mandates
- Provide staff development for all staff
- Consistent reading and math materials used in all classesImplementation of student's IEP
- Provide formal evaluation of BOCES staff
- Provide materials/supplies money for BOCES staff
- Administer NYS assessments
- Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI) training provided for RISE staff
- Participate in CSE/Annual Review Meetings
- Provide quarterly update on student progress
- Collect data for progress monitoring
- Provide simulated workshop experiences
- Staff collaboration with other Erie 1 BOCES Divisions
- Nurse Practitioner Consultant available
- Provide consulting Psychiatrist to collaborate with program staff