Special Education Class 6:1:1
This option provides a teacher and classroom aide for every six students whose academic/cognitive, social, emotional and/or physical needs are determined to be very intensive and require a high degree of intervention and management.
Classrooms are located in a public school setting and students participate in schoolwide activities. Integrated opportunities for academics and specials are provided. Certified special education teachers align instruction to the Common Core Learning Standards and are responsible for the implementation of the student's IEP.
District Responsibilities:
- Send in referral for placement
- Share IEP
- Transportation of students
- Provide current educational and health records including immunization records
- Notification of CSE meetings
- Conduct Annual Guidance Review
BOCES Responsibilities:
- Supervisory support to host building and BOCES staff
- Instructional and Intervention Resource Teachers available to staff
- Provide updated information and training on special education issues/mandates
- Provide staff development for all staff
- Consistent reading and math materials used in all clases
- Implementation of student's IEP
- Provide formal evaluation of BOCES staff
- Provide materials/supplies money for BOCES staff
- Administer NYS assessments
- Provide required individual counseling 1 time a week in the EEEP classes at an additional cost
- Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI) training provided for EEEP staff
- Strategies for Crisis Intervention and Prevention-Revised (SCIP-R) training provided for EEEC classes.
- Participate in CSE/Annual Review Meetings
- Provide quarterly update on student progress
- Collect data for progress monitoring
- Provide community experiences
- Provide simulated workshop experiences
- Develop a Transition Plan
- Staff collaboration with other Erie 1 BOCES Divisions
- Nurse Practitioner Consultant available
- Transition Teacher available