Itinerant Vision Services
Erie 1 BOCES provides teacher of the visually impaired on a shared basis to students that benefit from direct instruction and visual supports to assist in their educational setting.
This service provides students with a teacher of the visually impaired for 30 minute individual sessions at a frequency determined by the educational team.
Complete BOCES referral formShare IEP
Provide relevant educational information
Notification of CSE Meetings
Notification of Amendment
Send in re-evaluation requests
BOCES Responsibilities:
- Provide services as per the IEP
- Provide supervision
- Provide staff developmentPerform formal evaluation of BOCES staff
- Participate in CSE/Annual Review Meetings
- Provide quarterly updates on student progress
- Collect data for progress monitoring
- Complete Annual Registration for American Printing House for the Blind
- Complete Registration for Book Share for Blind Students