Individual Physical Therapy
Erie 1 BOCES physical therapist provides 30 minute individual therapy session to a student enrolled in a BOCES educational program. Therapy is based on the student's IEP physical therapy related goals and needs.
Physical therapy provides therapeutic intervention to address, but not limited to, the following skills; gross motor, motor coordination, motor planning, body awareness, strengthening, balance, endurance, range of motion and navigation within the school environment. Sessions are 30 minutes in length, frequency per week as determined by the CSE.
211.000 Special Education Class 6:1:2
212.000 Special Education Class 12:1:1
213.000 Special Education Class 6:1:1
218.000 Special Education Class 8:1:1
District Responsibilities:
- Complete the BOCES referral form
- Share the IEP
- Indicate Medicaid eligibility
- Provide relevant educational information
- Notification of CSE/Annual Review Meetings
- Notification of Amendment meeting
- Send in re-evaluation requests
- Provide current script for services
BOCES Responsibilities:
- Provide services per the IEP
- Complete all paperwork required by Medicaid
- Provide supervision
- Perform formal evaluation of BOCES staff
- Provide staff development
- Participate in CSE/Annual Review Meetings
- Provide quarterly updates on student progress
- Collect data for progress monitoring
- Provide supplies, materials, technology