Physical Therapy Consultation
Erie 1 BOCES physical therapist provides consultation to the educational team to provide strategies and techniques that support the student's physical therapy needs across settings.
Physical therapist provides consultation with the education team. Direct therapy is not included within a consultation, however the therapist may communicate with the student. Consultation is provided based on the student's IEP.
District Responsibilities:
- Complete the BOCES referral form
- Share the IEP
- Provide relevant educational information
- Notification of CSE/Annual Review Meetings
- Notification of Amendment meeting
- Send in re-evaluation requests
BOCES Responsibilities:
- Provide services per the IEP
- Provide supervision
- Perform formal evaluation of BOCES staff
- Provide staff development
- Participate in Annual Review meeting
- Collect data for progress monitoring
- Perform re-evaluations