Central Location Professional Development
Included in this category for Erie 1 BOCES component districts are staff development programs relating to topics supporting leadership development.
Additional support as requested by districts who are participating in 537.100.10
It is the responsibility of the district to schedule and plan follow up sessions with the appropriate participants as needed.
Erie 1 BOCES delivery will be for planning, facilitation, preparation of materials and customized staff development. This service includes planning, facilitation, preparation of materials, and additional staff. This service is eligible for BOCES aid Expenditures for stipends for teachers or for substitutes will be eligible for BOCES aid if the following conditions are met: 1. The expenses incurred are related to attendance at activities composed of participants from two or more districts 2. Stipends are uniform for all participants and are paid by BOCES in a uniform manner; 3. Payment for substitutes is initially made to the BOCES by participating districts and reimbursed by BOCES on an as-needed basis. Forms must be submitted by January 30th and May 20th of each year.