Customized Consultation and Follow Up
This service includes district specific consultation, training and follow up around the elements of the evaluation rubric developed by The New York State Council of School Superintendents.
- Relationship with the Board (Information, Materials and background, Board questions, Policy involvement, Board development)
- Community Relations (District image, Communication with community, media relations, Approachability)
- Staff Relationships (Internal communications, Personnel matters, Delegation of duties, Recruitment, Visibility)
- Business and Finance (Budget Development and maintenance, Budget reports, Facility management, Resource allocation
- Instructional Leadership (Professional knowledge, Self-improvement, Focus on students, Goal development, Staff development, Curriculum)
- Establish clear specific annual targets for student performance at the building levels, to be sure that everyone is focused on the same goals for student performance. Strategic three-five year goals set the district’s direction for improving student performance, but building level annual targets, aligned to the district goals, provide measurable benchmarks for judging the district’s staff’s and administration’s progress toward those goals.
- Identify multiple measures that will allow the district and schools to measure progress in meeting the student performance targets.While the state assessments can be one measure of progress, they are not sufficient to provide a full picture of students’ progress.The superintendent can identify other measures that can round out the picture of student performance and complement information provided by state assessments.
- Set achievable improvement targets as a way to measure progress toward the district’s long term student performance goals. Making the targets achievable will provide motivation and encourage continuous adaptation to student needs. A good starting point might be one student performance improvement target that cuts across the district and addresses a major improvement need for student outcomes, such as literacy.
- Establish base lines for marking progress toward student performance targets. Baselines give the district and individual schools a clear, relevant and realistic starting point for measuring progress. They can point to critical improvement needs for the general student population and/or sub groups who need special attention.
- Finally, start small and build. Building a performance review (evaluation) system that accounts for timely student results each year will take time. There are many facets of performance review, and districts are wise to proceed with care and a commitment to grow into better ways to assess the work of teachers, administrators, and even the board.By linking the superintendent’s student performance measures to those established for district goals, the Board of Education and superintendent stay focused on the district student performance priorities.District Results (Student Performance) The superintendent’s work is grounded in the work of teachers, principals, and other staff and administrators, and is directly linked to student performance data used in the evaluation of teachers and principals. The idea is to build a parallel and aligned system that links student performance targets, teacher performance targets, administrator performance targets, and, ultimately, district performance targets. Before linking student performance data to a superintendent’s evaluation, the superintendent and Board of Education will want to ensure the following SMART conditions are in place:
Additional support as requested by districts who are participating in 537.100.10
Erie 1 BOCES delivery will be for planning, facilitation, preparation of materials and customized staff development. This service includes planning, facilitation, preparation of materials, and additional staff. This service is eligible for BOCES aid Expenditures for stipends for teachers or for substitutes will be eligible for BOCES aid if the following conditions are met: 1. The expenses incurred are related to attendance at activities composed of participants from two or more districts 2. Stipends are uniform for all participants and are paid by BOCES in a uniform manner; 3. Payment for substitutes is initially made to the BOCES by participating districts and reimbursed by BOCES on an as-needed basis. Forms must be submitted by January 30th and May 20th of each year.