eSchoolData (eSD) is an integrated web based Student Management System, designed to comprehensively track student data including Registration, Attendance, Discipline, Grade Reporting, Health, Lockers, Response to Intervention, and more. Meets requirements related to NYS Data Reporting. Teachers record period attendance and make use of the Gradebook for tracking assignments and grades. Teachers, Administrators and Counselors may utilize the power of GuruBoards to bring together various aspects of student data. Parents and students access eSD via available portals to view assignments, attendance, etc. Securely hosted and maintained by WNYRIC.
eSchoolData is hosted by the WNYRIC acting as an Application Service Provider (ASP). Support includes up to three days onsite as needed, unlimited phone and email support, and extensive NYS Reporting guidance and assistance, including automated loading of specified data to Level 0 on a nightly basis throughout the data reporting period. User groups, workshops and meetings are offered on a variety of topics and in multiple locations.
Browser and System Minimum Requirements
Supported Operating System:
- Windows® 8.1 or Higher
- Mac OS (OS X) 10.8 or Higher
- Latest version of Google Chromebook
Supported browsers:
- Google Chrome
- Microsoft Edge
- Safari
Supported mobile devices:
- iPhone, iPad
- Samsung
WNYRIC Support Team can assist with troubleshooting requirements above.
District agrees to:
- Provide high speed internet access.
- Provide hardware that meets vendor's recommended hardware requirements.
- Ensure staff has Windows/Mac OS, Internet training, and MS Office training.
- Have or purchase an adequate printer.
- Accept responsibility for forms and paper management as well as printing of reports (Paper and supplies are aidable).
- Designate eSchoolData Coordinator.
- Designate eSchoolData Security Coordinator to handle district user maintenance and security.
- Designate eSchoolData District Data Coordinator (DDC).
- Designate appropriate Building level Coordinators.
- Send appropriate representation to WNYRIC eSD User meetings and workshops.Designate District-wide and Building-level coordinators.
- Designate an appropriate number of turnkey teachers.
- Ensure appropriate staff is available for training at implementation.
- Ensure appropriate staff is available to verify converted data at implementation.
- Ensure appropriate staff is available during summer to meet state reporting timelines.
- Participate in meetings with WNYRIC eSD staff as needed.
- Have a secure email system and provide appropriate addresses to WNYRIC.
- Receive and review all relevant announcements, directions and documentation from WNYRIC eSD staff.
- Produce and save recommended reports annually, prior to Grade Advancement and Bit Flip (End of Year). It is further recommended that one copy is kept on a backed up district server, which can be securly accessed for archiving purposes.
- Maintain and Update District Calendar in eSD with support.
eSD NYS Data Warehouse (DDC) Responsibilities:
- Adhere to appropriate data entry methods into application in accordance with training to facilitate accurate data reporting.
- Ensure data is correct in source system, as well as in the NYS Data Warehouse.
- Submit a written request for any unscheduled NYS data extracts.
- Log in to Level 0 to review and validate data.
- Ensure DDC participates in training on how to analyze, identify and evaluate data issues.
- Complete all required data verification and validation.
- Lock data for transmission to Level 1 on a timely basis.
- Adhere to security and confidentiality best practices.
WNYRIC agrees to:
- Provide secure online access to application server located at RIC.
- Provide a means for purchasing necessary hardware, software, and networking and communication equipment to be utilized with this service.
- Apply program updates in a timely fashion after receiving them from vendor.
- Serve as liaison between the district and the vendor.
- Ensure vendor is aware of and responsive to NYS Reporting changes and requirements.
- Provide training and documentation.
- Maintain strict confidentiality.
- Host user meetings, workshops and trainings.
- Provide a meaningful web presence.
- Provide ongoing guidance on data entry into application, in accordance with NYS requirements, to facilitate accurate data reporting.
- Generate required NYS data extracts as per established schedule and upon request.
- Load extracts to Level 0 as per established schedule and upon request.
- Provide District Data Coordinator (DDC) training on how to analyze, identify and evaluate data issues.
- Provide ongoing phone support to troubleshoot and correct data errors.
- Serve as a liaison to SED for district questions regarding state requirements related to data reporting.
All databases are backed up nightly, once to a local file backup for a nightly pull from the vendor and again to our backup server. The backup server is in turn backed up nightly to our enterprise class retention system and all backups are available for 21 days. These in turn are backed up to tape and are then secured in an offsite facility.
Weekly, monthly and yearly backups are archived and kept indefinitely.
The WNYRIC utilizes cost effective best practices determined by research that allows our experienced and trained technical staff to perform robust testing and support of the WNYRIC network in the areas of security, infrastructure, energy management, virtualization strategies, disaster recovery and business continuity. Therefore, we are able to be a district advocate for vendor contract issues and aggressively negotiate contract pricing and performance terms.
Staff follows best practices in order to provide necessary security as it relates to the most recent student, teacher and principal data security and privacy regulations.
Service Desk can be reached Monday – Friday from 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. A representative will be available from 4:00 p.m. through 11:00 p.m. to assist you with calls regarding emergency situations. During all other hours and holidays, a caller will receive important information regarding coverage.