In-District Test Scanning
This service allows districts to scan Regents exams, elementary and intermediate level science assessments, teacher-made tests, and district-wide assessments in the district rather than at the WNYRIC. Please note that NYS elementary and intermediate ELA, Math, NYSAA, and NYSESLAT assessments are not included in this service.
In District Test Scanning is a process where school districts can scan their State approved images in district and receive score reports immediately. Larger districts will be required to purchase the Teleform Standalone software and do the verification themselves whereas smaller districts will be able to take advantage of Just in Time Scanning. With Just in Time scanning, the districts purchase the WNYRIC support, send the scanned images to the RIC through a secure ftp site and the RIC staff do the verification process.
Districts are allowed to scan preprinted state-approved Regents and Science 4 & 8 answer sheets. It is important to note that the ELA and Math 3-8, NYSAA, and NYSESLAT assessments are not included in this service. It is the WNYRIC's responsibility to ensure quality control for these high stake tests and, therefore, these must be scanned at the RIC and then reported to SED and the test publisher.
The Teleforms Standalone scanning software program also allows districts to independently design answer sheets for teacher-developed assessments. With this software the district has the ability to develop the answer sheets they need; districts receive full support from the Test Scoring team throughout the process. For all answer sheets scanned, there are Web-based score reports available immediately.
A WNYRIC approved scanner is required to make this system work. We recommend several different sizes at varying prices depending on the size of the school.
eSchool and Powerschool districts have the option to have their Regents scores uploaded to their student system directly from test scoring. This eliminates any discrepancy between Reported vs Scanned scores for Regents exams.
Operating System: Microsoft Office 2003
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8
District Responsibilities:
- District designates a district contact person.
- District scans all State answer sheets; Standalone districts will do the verification, Just in Time districts will have the verification done for them at the RIC
- District will review Student Score Reports to verify students, ID’s, and scores
- When all data is confirmed, the district will electronically confirm the data sending a message to the WNYRIC.
- District provides assurance that remote communications remain functional so that WNYRIC personnel can deliver support.
- District provides notification to the WNYRIC if district personnel changes. Training of new personnel is the responsibility of the district.
- District designates an individual to authorize any changes and provide usable email address for each person to be notified of all RIC sponsored user meetings/CIO meetings as well as problems and changes related to the software.
- District submits all forms (participation, answer sheet orders, etc.) necessary to provide service.
- District acknowledges that hardware and software acquired in this project, if relocated in the future, must be used in a WNYRIC service. Any equipment or software acquired through WNYRIC services and no longer used for WNYRIC services must be returned to the WNYRIC per SED regulations.
- District acknowledges that utilization of any software acquired through WNYRIC services will comply with licensing agreements and U.S. Copyright; all software and on-line services which utilized WNYRIC hardware and networks will comply with U.S. Copyright
WNYRIC Responsibilities:
- Provide telephone support to building personnel.
- Provide support through the use of communication software that allows the WNYRIC to view student data from the RIC while in contact with the user via phone for resolution of any questions and/or problems that may occur.
- Install hardware and software.
- Provide software updates specific to the service.
- Provide one-half day of in-district training when district purchases software. WNYRIC Test Scoring staff will provide additional training at an additional cost if requested.
- Facilitate communication with the user community.
- Maintain strict confidentiality while performing their duties for this service.
- Preprint student data onto state-approved answer sheets.;
- Provide the (Teleforms .tft) design for each answer sheet for the administration of tests for all of the assessments that the WNYRIC is offering if applicable.
- Provide scores of the data submitted after the district completes scanning/verifying data.
- Load data to the Data Warehouse for analysis (not available for district independently designed answer sheets).
- WNYRIC is vendor liaison.
- Procure all equipment according to the Detailed Request for Service and to arrange shipment to the district as required.
- A Disaster Recovery System is in place to provide an alternative processing site should the center experience a disaster or outage for more than 24 hours.
The WNYRIC utilizes cost effective best practices determined by research that allows our experienced and trained technical staff to perform robust testing and support of the WNYRIC network in the areas of security, infrastructure, energy management, virtualization strategies, disaster recovery and business continuity. Therefore, we are able to be a district advocate for vendor contract issues and aggressively negotiate contract pricing and performance terms.
Staff follow best practices in order to provide necessary security as it relates to the most recent student, teacher and principal data security and privacy regulations.
Service Desk can be reached Monday –Friday from 7:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. by calling (716) 821-7171, 1-800-872-0780 or by e-mail at servicedesk A representative will be available from 4:30 p.m. through 11:00 p.m to assist you with calls regarding emergency situations. During all other hours and holidays, a caller will receive important information regarding coverage.