In-District Just-In-Time Scanning
With this service a small district can scan August, January and June Regents answer sheets and Science 4 & 8 answer sheets In District. The scanned images are sent to the RIC via a secure ftp and the verification work is done by RIC test scoring personnel. District receives access to Student Score Reports and Rank Lists; score data can be loaded to most student systems directly from the test scoring system.
This service is designed for school districts that administer fewer than 1000 regents exams annually. The district will purchase an approved scanner; WNYRIC will set up the software required to make the system work. The district will scan the answer sheets and electronically send the scanned images to the WNYRIC. The test score team will verify and commit the scanned score data to the test score database. The district will then be able to log into the test score web page to view Student Score Reports and Rank Lists.
The test score team will send the data to L1 Data Warehouse in time for State reporting.
eSchool and Powerschool districts have the option to have their Regents scores uploaded to their student system directly from test scoring. This eliminates any discrepancy between Reported vs Scanned scores for Regents exams.
Please see 650.305 for full service details.District responsibilities:
- Purchase approved scanner.
- PC availability - specifications provided by WNYRIC.
- Printer availability for printing of score reports.
- Scan the pre-printed WNYRIC Regents answer sheets and Science 4 and 8 answer sheets once students and teachers have completed their sections.
- Send data to the WNYRIC Test Scoring team for verification and commitment following steps in documentation provided by the WNYRIC Test Scoring team.
WNYRIC responsibilities:
1. Setup scanner at district.
2. Load the Batch Creator software onto district PC.
3. Provide district with a two-hour hands-on-training session.
4. Provide on-going phone and remote desktop access support.
5. Verify Regents answer sheets and Science 4 and 8 answer sheets after district has electronically sent the answer sheet images.
6. Assist district in accessing the Test Score web site and assist in accessing reports and exports.