nVision Implementation Fee
This service provides WNYRIC assistance in doing the conversion process in system setup and in the customization of the application to best fit the district's needs.
The service includes the WNYRIC working with the district staff to get data into the correct format of the import templates and show the district how to verify data once it has been converted / imported into the application. Service also includes training thru the first payroll. WNYRIC will be the liason between the district and the vendor on all needs within the application.
Please refer to Service Code 650.683 for full service details.
- WYRIC staff must have direct access at all times to the live financial/ HR/ PR database.
District responsibilities:
- Sign waivers for WNYRIC staff to authorize appropriate team members to make changes to the district’s security within the software and on the server.
- Submit completed, signed employee security change request forms to the appropriate WNYRIC staff as needed.
- Contact WNYRIC Financial team for any software or connectivity problems associated with the approved changes.
- Report any system difficulties/problems to the WNYRIC for prompt resolution to maintain quality service.
- Designate at least two district contacts/decision-makers for security problem resolution.
WNYRIC Responsibilities:
1. Schedule and facilitate planning for any security changes upon district request 2. Respond to requests within 2 business days 3. Provide training for district security decision makers regarding the ramifications of desired changes 4. Communicate any process changes to designated district contacts 5. Provide system security reports to the Superintendent and/or district Security Officer as requested