nVision EOY Report Storage
This subservice provides the annual generation and storing of a set of standard Fiscal End of Year Reports for accounting, payroll and human resource modules.
WNYRIC annually generates and stores the standard Fiscal End of Year Reports. The reports are stored on a secure server at the RIC and will be accessible via the web for district view and print.
This subservice is designed to assist districts in retrieving information more easily and is not intended to meet all of the requirements of the NYS Archives and Record Administration (SARA) data retention. It can serve as one component of those requirements, as the media form does meet SARA guidelines.
Please refer to Service Code 650.683 for full service details
- District must have Internet Access
- WNYRIC Support Staff must have direct access to district's live database in order to generate the standard Fiscal End of Year reports for storage.
- Maintain Internet access to view and print reports
- Maintain correct data in the software to provide the generation of accurate reports
- Review and verify the data in the reports
- Establish and monitor security for district staff with access to the stored reports
- Maintain WNYRIC Support Staff direct access to district live financial / HR/ PR database
- District is not to consider this service a means of storing all of the information required by SARA records retention. District must make additional arrangements for data archival to meet the SARA data retention requirements.
- WNYRIC will generate a set group of standard Fiscal Year End reports from Accounting, Payroll and Human Resource modules
- WNYRIC will store the reports on a secure server and have them accessible via the WEB using a third party software
- WNYRIC will provide a backup service of the reports stored on the server