SIF (School Interoperability Framework)
SIF (School Interoperability Framework) is an open specification for the sharing of educational data. Implementation of SIF between systems significantly reduces manual and duplicative data entry. SIF Services provide the necessary hardware and software solutions to facilitate data sharing between designated systems.
SIF utilizes a Zone Integration Server (ZIS) to manage communication between applications. SIF agents are extensions of applications that act as the intermediary between the application and the ZIS. The WNYRIC hosts the ZIS and configures all SIF agents. Where applicable, districts must purchase the SIF agents from the respective software application vendors or third parties.
Purchase of ZIS licenses and SIF agents. ZIS licenses are based on enrollment and renewed each year.
- Provide continuous and remote access to the appropriate server(s).
- Notify included buildings.
- Review and approve comparison files.
- Alert the WNYRIC to problems.
- Notify RIC of demographic changes and new entrants during the initialization period.
WNYRIC agrees to:
- Monitor the flow of data.
- Address and solve problems.
- Back up SIF configurations.
- Maintain the ZIS.
- Create zones and configure agents (unless done by vendor).
- Create comparison files (if applicable).
The WNYRIC utilizes cost effective best practices determined by research that allows our experienced and trained technical staff to perform robust testing and support of the WNYRIC network in the areas of security, infrastructure, energy management, virtualization strategies, disaster recovery and business continuity. Therefore, we are able to be a district advocate for vendor contract issues and aggressively negotiate contract pricing and performance terms.
Staff follows best practices in order to provide necessary security as it relates to the most recent student, teacher and principal data security and privacy regulations.
Service Desk can be reached Monday – Friday from 7:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. A representative will be available from 4:30 p.m. through 11:00 p.m. to assist you with calls regarding emergency situations. During all other hours and holidays, a caller will receive important information regarding coverage.