Name | Service Code |
Digitization of signature for checks, puchase orders and letters. |
Technology Services |
The WinCap integrated financial/human resource software can reside on a district-housed server or server hosted by the WNYRIC. |
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WinCap Additional Development/Special Projects Additional development of district WinCap reports, data extracts, data exchange, or other special projects. |
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This subservice provides a WNYRIC staff person to do data entry into the district's financial application. |
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WinCap Affordable Care Act Data Extract Service The WNYRIC will extract the census and earnings data from the financial system on a monthly basis, upload extracted files to the district to review and complete. WNYRIC will then configure the files into template format for approved vendor(s) to assist the district with compliance tracking for the A... |
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WinCap Business Office Consultation A WNYRIC Consultant will work with district administration to facilitate a smooth changeover of staff and/or job duties, or changes in district processes during a transitional period of time. |
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WinCap Central Site Support - Level 1 Central Site Support includes telephone consultation and up to three (3) days training and/or in-district assistance. Cost based on district size. |
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WinCap Central Site Support - Level 2 Central Site Support includes telephone consultation and up to three (3) days training and/or in-district assistance. Cost based on district size. |
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WinCap Central Site Support - Level 3 Central Site Support includes telephone consultation and up to three (3) days training and/or in-district assistance. Cost based on district size. |
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WinCap Central Site Support - Level 4 Central Site Support includes telephone consultation and up to three (3) days training and/or in-district assistance. Cost based on district size. |
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WinCap Central Site Support - Level 5 Central Site Support includes telephone consultation and up to three (3) days training and/or in-district assistance. Cost based on district size. |
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WinCap Central Site Support - Level 6 Central Site Support includes telephone consultation and up to three (3) days training and/or in-district assistance. Cost based on district size. |
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This subservice provides the annual generation and storing of a set of standard Fiscal End of Year Reports for accounting, payroll and human resource modules. The reports are created and uploaded by the WNYRIC and hosted by WNYRIC server. Districts would access the reports for viewing and printing v... |
Technology Services |
A WNYRIC Consultant will work with district staff on a project basis. |
Technology Services |
Ongoing maintenance fee. |
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Districts wishing to plan for the implementation of this service should budget in line item Service Code 650.839. |
Technology Services |
This service provides WNYRIC assistance in doing the conversion process in System setup and in the customization of the application to best fit the district's needs. |
Technology Services |
WinCap Level Zero Staff Data Service WNYRIC will assist district in getting Evaluation Rating scores into WinCap import template so that the district can import data into WinCap. WNYRIC will also generate the APPR, Staff Snapshot, Staff Tenure , Staff Assignment and Staff Attendance export files out of the financial/human res... |
Technology Services |
WinCap Per Diem Training/On-Site Support Per diem additional training and consultation above and beyond the three (3) days training and/or in-district assistance included in Central Site Support. |
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Technology Services |
This service provides space on a hosted WNYRIC server for the Wincap program and district database. |
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WinCap Services Provided by Vendor Additional services provided by Capital Computer Associates, Inc. as needed by the district. |
Technology Services |
Ongoing software maintenance fee. |
Technology Services |
Districts wishing to plan for the purchase of this software should budget in line item Service Code 650.839. |
Technology Services |
This service provides for the purchase of supplies needed for the WinCap service. |
Technology Services |
WinCap Support for Additional Modules Support for Web modules; OnLine Requistions, WinCapWeb Timesheets, Employee Self Service, Web Payroll Vouchers, and Web Professional Development and any future modules. |
Technology Services |
Technical support for WinCap districts. |
Technology Services |
Ongoing software web charge for web modules based on number of users. Districts will be billed for actual usuage on web modules. This is a vendor fee. |
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